Daily Archives: April 12, 2024

Dogs are awesome


     Close your eyes and imagine you have a friend that play with you, cuddles with you, protects you, and open your eyes to see a fluffy dog. Dogs are the best pets ever because they are good listeners, walking just keep you active, and friendly. You should  buy a dog because they will help you.

Dogs are the best pets ever because they are good listeners. The first reason dogs are good listeners is their good listeners. For example, If I tell my dog to leave a treat they will leave it. Also, I think they are easy to train because they are good listeners.they  can learn 100 words and fun facts  you can. This is why I think dogs are good listeners.   

The second reason dogs are great pets is they keep you active. Some dogs will play you and if you have a friends dog they will play with the dogs. You take them on walks and which just keeps you active. When your heart rates goes up and you can distressed when you are petting the dog.    

The third reason is their friendly and they cuddle. It feels good to cuddle with your dog. You can play with the dog and you can go to a dog park play have fun. Their mans best friend if you have a kid and boy like dogs.This shows dog are great pets.

Dogs  are the great pets ever because they are good listeners, walking just keep you active , and friendly. I think that dogs are great walking if you are like you can’t see.I think if you said like don’t eat the treat and they will eat the treat.I encourage you to a dog they are friendly and nice and cute.